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A Fast Spanish
Starter Kit

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Last updated 34 days ago.

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"Gracias mi amigo! This helped so much
preparing for my trip"

Spanish made easy

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Frequently Asked Questions

What comes with my purchase?

An Anki Deck containing 1000 useful Spanish phrases and words for new learners and travelers to a Spanish-speaking country. Each card has Spanish on the front and an English translation on the back (sometimes with phonetic pronunciations).

You get two full decks, one with English on the front and the other with Spanish on the front.

Who is this for?

If you want to learn basic Spanish words and phrases, this resource is for you. Ideal for beginner Spanish learners. If you are an intermediate Spanish speaker, this might not be suitable for you.

Will this help me learn Spanish?

Absolutely! This is a great resource for beginners to learn some basic phrases. It is not a comprehensive course, but it is a great start that has 1000 useful Spanish phrases in flashcard format.

How do I use the flashcards?

Download Anki, import the cards, and start practicing Spanish. I've made a video tutorial here.

How do I memorize the phrases?

Practice. Practice. Practice. And use the phrases to build your recall up! The rule of language learning is to practice every day, speak early and speak often!

How does this save me time?

I've already spent the time translating and compiling beginner phrases, if you buy this Anki Deck it will save you doing that work so you can start learning right now. Please make sure you have installed Anki!

Can I use PayPal?

Yes! Actually, you can use many different payment providers as Gumroad is the payment provider which allows you to use your preferred payment method. You will get instant access with any payment method.

Can I get a refund?

After you've got access to the Anki Deck, it is yours forever, so it can't be refunded. But rest assured, you will always have access and free updates in the future.

Who made these?

I did! My name is Joe Hammond, I make websites and products so I can pay rent. I'm on X.

Will there be updates?

Yes, there will be updates! If you've already bought it, you will receive all future updates for free.